Starting the Journey to Self Resonance
Welcome to the Pluto Wise Astrology blog! I named my astrology practice for Pluto, the planet that represents the unimaginable power of transformation. I consider Pluto as my patron planet, especially these last 8 years, which have been very intense, as befits this planet. Pluto also represents our soul’s desire for growth in this lifetime; so it addresses all the stuff that needs to be transformed to achieve the highest expression of self. This blog will reflect the Pluto themes of transformation, overcoming obstacles to reaching our goals for spiritual growth and self actualization. In a word, joy.
I’ve worked with astrology and life coaching for more than thirty years. I’ve experienced the power of working with all the planets to help people, including myself – overcome challenges, or get bogged down in them. When you learn how to consciously express the energies the planets represent in your life, you can do amazing, transformative things. And I have, and so have many of my clients.
But as we’ve all experienced, some issues are harder than others, and I am now going to use this blog as a forum to face up to some of mine. Even acknowledging them has been a huge challenge; I am, after all, offering my services as an experienced astrologer and life coach, so I should have all this down perfectly, right? That is certainly what I thought, but I was wrong. You see, the deepest wounds often go into hiding – some in plain sight. I just thought, “Everyone has their dark moments, right? That’s just human.” Sure. But what if they show up – every time! – and derail you from having the life you truly want? From having a happy close relationship? What if they keep you from being able to feel loved, even when you know you are, because deep inside, you just *aren’t* and can never be, lovable?
This issue, this sense of essential unlovability, has caused me to have increasingly intense bouts of anxiety and depression over the last several years. I have tried a variety of tools to address it, including using the principles of law of attraction (positive self-talk and thinking); conventional therapy, and the unconventional, such as reiki and other energy healing modalities. All of these methods have been effective for other things in my life and the lives of my clients and friends. I won’t say I haven’t had some improvements, and for other issues, some downright miracles. But for this issue, whatever progress I have made, it almost seems to make it worse soon after. WHAT is UP with that? Ugh. I want to be DONE with this.
But recently, I ran across the work of Sarah Peyton, neuroscience educator and certified nonviolent communicator. She uses and teaches a combination of family constellation work, non-violent communication, and an understanding of neuroscience related to trauma, which she calls self resonance. And after one session, as well as some self-application using her workbook (called Your Resonant Self Workbook, and it is the companion to her Book, Your Resonant Self), I am just amazed at how much different, how much better I feel. It’s been a number of weeks since I started this, and there is more work to be done, but I the biggest things so far are that I am not stress-eating, and I can actually look in the mirror and see myself without instantly cataloging what is wrong with my face, hair and body. It’s hard to express how huge this is for me. I feel elated just thinking about it! So much so that I want to learn all I can, and share it! I can already see how astrology can contribute to it. And so, I am attending her workshops and will be practicing what I learn – on myself, and on others who want to learn and practice with me.
I invite you to join me as I embark on this journey. If you feel like taking Sarah’s courses (SarahPeyton.com) or reading the book and doing the workbook, or just following my blog and sharing your thoughts on what I post and/or your own ways for achieving your personal spiritual growth goals, all are welcome – so long as they are accepting of others.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to be doing this. Looking at my own astrological chart, I can see how perfectly this type of work fits with my own life challenges and goals, and ways in which I can use it to help clients understand and approach their own. In future blogs, which will be weekly, I’ll be correlating what I learn and experience with astrology – after all, astrology is the lens through which I focus my life, and that of my clients.
But for today, I’ll just add that, with the South Node of the Moon (emotional and Karmic baggage) passing through my 12th house of hidden issues and dissolving imaginary boundaries, I am clearly in tune with the Universe on this.
Thanks as for tuning in, and the very highest of vibrations to you all.
In resonance,
Carol Shannon